David J Miller
Color Commentator
The Buffalo 716ers have hired TIME WARNER CABLE SPORTS CHANNEL Announcer, David J Miller to be our play by play announcer which will be broadcast live on our Official Radio station Live 95 (www.live95.com) and also our television channel, Time Warner Channel 20. David has been the Public Address announcer for the Buffalo Sabres Hockey Team since 2005. and previously with the Sabres between 1995-1997.
David has over 15 years of experience working with Buffalo's local collegiate, and professional teams. David has been the Sports Announcer for Time Warner Sports since 2007. He has also served as the Public Address Announcer for Canisius College since 2000. He has also been the Television Sports Announcer for Time Warner since 2007.
Jack Herlan
Color Commentator

Jack has coached at Canisus High School, Niagara County Community College, Williamsville East High School, Tonawanda High School, and St. Joseph Collegiate Institute.
Coaching Canisius High School 1978-1980 Niagara County Community College - 1985-86 Williamsville East High school - 1987-1990 Tonawanda High School 1990 - 1993St. Joseph Collegiate Institute 2000-2014.

Alec was the public address announcer for Medaille College Athletics in 2012. Pinterpe also worked for the 716ers in their inaugural year as the play-by-play announcer. He graduated from Medaille College in 2013 with a Bachelors Degree in Communications and also was a play-by-play announcer and videographer. Pinterpe currently resides in Buffalo, NY where he works as a videographer for Metschl and Associates. He hopes to one day work for ESPN.